Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Cours Montreux International Pte Ltd - Beware! Singapore Scam Company!

Damn you, Cours Montreux International!

Firstly, these slime bags are already scamming the public their money. And now, they try to play the internet audience?! Ok, they want to play, I shall beat Cours Montreux International on Google search rankings!

Of late, these scums posted a lot of nonsensical spam links on their 'most popular' public forum: However, they changed their tactic by posting spams on some WEBSITES carrying their "Cours Montreux" name. Their main intention to divert is so clear - it reflects the REALITY of their unscrupulous behaviour. 

Here is my analogy and the obvious reasons why they are doing this.

They have historically posted numerous fake 'positive' comments about themselves on various public forums, most of which started from June 2011. Just Google search on "Cours Montreux" and validate the 'fake' comments on all the public forums. Those idiots that claim how good Cours Montreux is 'came' and 'left' with ONE post. This is how they deceived people over the internet for over a year. 

But of late,  Cours Montreux is just so screwed up over the internet when genuine people starting posting 'scams' about them. And so, these mutha fukers know and came up with another diversion plan.

They started creating FAKE websites carrying the "Cours Montreux" name. So, if any potential 'victims' searches on "Cours Montreux" or "Cours Montreux International" on any search engines, they are deviating visitors from finding websites that intend to expose their "scam" which is attached to Cours Montreux International's name. See how truly EVIL they are.

Their deceitful intention is just too clear. If a company has nothing to hide and is proud of their business, would they intentionally create more preposterous websites to f*** up their own name? Judge for yourself. Here is the list of SCAM websites and web pages they created. Who knows they are still growing it? I want to bloody laugh.

  1. Jo Smith - Google+
    5 Jan 2012 – An cours montreux automobile, cours montreux autocar, motor car or car is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transporting passengers, which ...
  2. Cours Montreux at blog by coursmontr ... - Zambia
    Cours Montreux Auto are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to eight people, to typically have four whe...
  3. Cours Montreux Auto About

    Alexa Traffic Rank for
    During the last years of the nineteenth century, Benz was the largest cours montreuxautomobile company in the world with 572 units produced in 1899 and, ...

    coursmontreux - - Discover Yourself!
    For the magazine, see Cours Montreux automobile Magazine. ... An cours montreuxautomobile, cours montreux autocar, motor car or car is a wheeled motor ...
  4. welcome to
    welcome to
  5. welcome to coursmontreux.air
    welcome to coursmontreux.air.
welcome to coursmontreux.medical
    welcome to coursmontreux.medical.
  2. welcome to
    welcome to
  3. welcome to
    welcome to
  4. welcome to
    welcome to
  5. welcome to
    welcome to
  6. welcome to
    welcome to
welcome to
Alexa Traffic Rank for
ahan... now you see

How do I know it's them? That's because they created all the above in January 2012. And the most shocking part that re-confirms that it's them? Crappy contents or NO contents. HAHA.

And so, the Directors themselves blatantly deny they are not a scam company. Think of it... if they can do even the simplest tricky over the internet, WHAT ELSE ARE THEY CAPABLE IN DOING IN REALITY? You will be shocked if you are in the Cours Montreux International WORLD!

Yes, I am someone out for a vengeance. 


Payback time, Cours Montreux! And DAMN YOU.


  1. Hi, I too have been scammed by this company. The worst of all, I have done a reswipe with them naively hoping that they would write me a cheque to transfer my payment to installments. I didn't get the cheque with all those excuses from their company. I have called CASE but they ask me to try out their services, because I cant base my claims on all these "information" from the internet. May I know what can i do? I heard there is a facebook support community fighting this company, is it legit? Who can I seek support from?

  2. Hi Darklunatica,

    They cheated me on the reswipe thing also. Don't need to think that they will return you the cheque already. They are scam company. scam company don't return people money.

    Do try to contact the facebook for help.

  3. Hi Darklunatica,

    I am the same anonymous above. Do try the facebook support group. It is legitimate as this blogger has endorsed. I have also joined the group. CASE is giving you a nonsense advise. Try their service? CMI didn't even liase with any of the hotels, how can they ever always provide us with cheaper hotels that is on their list? May I know when did you contacted CASE? The date?

  4. Hi Darklunatic,

    I am a member on the FB support community. Rest assured, it is absolutely legit, is serious to help and to ensure those who signed up are not walking the lonely path themselves. We understand you are not the only one under the reswipe scheme, and what Anonymous mentioned is right. Do write to the Admin of FB to understand your situation better.

  5. Hi, I another anonymous who sign up to this scam company when they were still called Discover8 years ago.. I didn't pay the membership but I think I did give them installment. Now I just received a legal letter from them demanding for the so called unpaid membership... The problem is I lost the contract, and don't think can win against them...

  6. Hi Anonymous

    Only if you wish, you may join the group over in FB. I understand there are a lot of evidences pointing to something is 'wrong' with CMI. You may have lost your contract but I believe you there are still solutions to it. It depends whether you are a fighter against such unscrupulous companies.

  7. Hi, i am also another victim of this scam. I joined this CMI around Nov 11. I tried made bookings of hotel with them, and is either fully booked or the price they give are not much difference from the market. I only happened to utilize one of the so call hotel advantage. Everytime i ask for certain hotel, they told me is not under the hotel advantage which is very different from what they promise me. Is there anyway i can bring to CASE and recover the membership fee?

    1. Yes, bring your complaints to CASE but you have to prove CMI has failed to honour their service. You may also like to write to "No to Courz Montreuxx" group on Facebook. They seem to give pretty good advice and getting more victims' response.

  8. Hello.
    Is this CMI also involved in this "hotel booking, air flight advantages etc.." ?
    Is this website also one of theirs?
